I felt a post about war was needed.Just like how I think we need war to survive.
The ugly truth is,war is more like a glacier than Vonnegut describes. Sure, it's gonna happen whether you want it to or not, but without it, everything dies.
The movement to become more and more environmentally safe is growing everyday. It's come to the point where my 3 (almost 4)yr old sis knows that water expands when it absorbs heat and soon the oceans will flood over our coasts. We all know that glaciers hold the vast majority of our fresh water supply and if they were ever to melt completely, half the land mass would be underwater and inhospitable.
According to Wikipedia: It is estimated that yearly, over 1.5 trillion dollars are spent on military expenditures worldwide (2.7% of World GDP). Part of this goes to the procurement of military hardware and services from the military industry. The combined arms sales of the top 100 largest arms producing companies amounted to an estimated $315 billion in 2006. In 2004 over $30 billion were spent in the international arms trade (a figure that excludes domestic sales of arms). The arms trade has also been one of the sectors impacted by the credit crunch, with total deal value in the market halving from US$32.9bn to US$14.3bn in 2008.
Our economy is closely (too closely) tied to the states, and the U.S. is the 2nd largest exporter of arms.In other words, it's a vital part of their economy. If the world agreed to some unanimous peace treaty and war really was wiped out, then many economies would plummet.So it destroys us, but at the same time it allows us to live comfortable lives.That's why it's so evil. But evil is necessary for good to exist.It tastes so good then kills you.
In my opinion,I believe stopping war suddenly (given the power to do so) is a temporary solution to a permanent problem. It's a naive approach without considering all the variables that could be affected.
Here's an interesting video I found on youtube- an opinion piece on war. Warning: It's very twisted, so if you're not comfortable with that kinda stuff, don't watch it.
In my opinion,I believe stopping war suddenly (given the power to do so) is a temporary solution to a permanent problem. It's a naive approach without considering all the variables that could be affected.
Here's an interesting video I found on youtube- an opinion piece on war. Warning: It's very twisted, so if you're not comfortable with that kinda stuff, don't watch it.
War is expensive... It cost anywhere from $28000 to $60000 to fully equip one foot soldier today*. That's only one foot solder, what about the fighter planes? ($140 million per aircraft)
ReplyDelete*source: http://conflicthealth.com/the-cost-of-a-grunt/
stats from 2008, costs may be even higher today.