Sunday, 17 April 2011

#2- Feeling and Living, but not necessarily in that order

"How nice-to feel nothing, and still get full credit for being alive"

I can't even tell you how much I love this quote.
I feel as if it sums up so much intrinsic to the human experience, in one simple, poignant sentence. Books are written based on that idea (actually, if you go back a few blog posts, 'Reality Check' deals with the same idea) psychologists are given hundreds of dollars based on that idea, teenage angst angst is based on that idea...
Leave it to Kurt Vonnegut to come up with the simplest, most mind-sticking and poignant way to communicate a complex human anecdote. I feel as if Vonnegut really had everything figured out, but didn't really mind enough to do much about it.


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